If you need to access legacy websites designed for earlier versions of Internet Explorer, such as those using VBScript client (as opposed to JavaScript), you may encounter issues with the website rendering or functionality in modern browsers, including Microsoft Edge. However, there is a solution in Microsoft Edge that can help resolve these issues. By using Internet Explorer compatibility … [Read more...]
How to Troubleshoot IIS 500 Error for ASP Websites
You try to load your classic ASP (Active Server Pages) website and all you can see in your browser is the all too familiar display of 500 Internal Server Error. What is 500 Internal Server Error First of all, the 500 Internal Server Error is a very general HTTP status code that indicates something has gone wrong on the web server without any specifics on the exact problem. This … [Read more...]
How to Troubleshoot Response Buffer Limit Exceeded Error in Classic ASP
How do you troubleshoot a classic ASP website when it crashes with the following error message? Turn Off Page Buffering By default, page buffering in ASP is set to On so one way to do it is just to turn off the page buffering. At the top of your ASP page, add the following line after the VBScript declaration (Line 2 - highlighted): In general though, you do want to pose a limit … [Read more...]
How to Make Visual Studio Code Colorize Classic ASP Code
If you still have to do development with Classic ASP or VBScript and you want to use Visual Studio Code, you'll soon find out that even though the code editor was built by Microsoft, there's no language colorization support for ASP code by default. Fortunately, adding the feature can be done easily using Extensions. So here are the steps to do so: Launch Visual Studio Code and click on Go and … [Read more...]
How to Fix Invalid SendUsing Configuration using CDO
When you use CDOsys to send email from a classic ASP, you might see an error message below and if you look at the line error, it's always on the message.Send: Several posts would suggest that you put the SMTP server in the code. But when you already have an SMTP server setup on IIS 6.0, here's a couple things you might want to check as well: Check if the Application Pool is at least … [Read more...]