This tutorial is a shorter version of the previous post upgrading to PHP 7.1 on Windows 10 and it is intended as a follow-up on how to upgrade your PHP to the latest version (in this case PHP 7.2) if you have already installed the previous version of PHP 7 in your Windows system. Steps to Upgrade from PHP 7.1 to PHP 7.2 Download PHP for Windows. Since we’re using PHP as FastCGI, we’ll use … [Read more...]
How to Upgrade to PHP 7.1 on Windows 10
This setup should only be used as PHP development environment on Windows as it has not been tested on production. If you followed the steps from the previous post on PHP installation on Windows using Web Platform Installer, you will now have PHP 7.0 to do your web development. The problem using Web Platform Installer (WPI) is that most likely you won't be using the latest version of PHP (at … [Read more...]
How to Install PHP on Windows 10 Using Web Platform Installer
If you need to install a PHP on your local Windows machine with Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft has already provided a way where you can do it fairly quickly using WPI. Keep in mind though, this setup has not been tested for production environment. So only use it as a PHP development environment for Windows. Steps Open Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows … [Read more...]
How to Fix PHP7 Compatibility Issue with W3 Total Cache
With the advent of PHP 7, a few webhosts such as SiteGround have made it available on all their shared hosting services and you can find a way to enable it here. Before you jump the bandwagon though, be aware of the warning they posted on their website: Please have in mind that even if you're using an app that supports PHP 7 some of its components like plugins, themes, modules, etc. may have … [Read more...]
How to Change WordPress Upload Folder
If you do a fresh install using WordPress 3.5 or later, you may have noticed that one useful feature that's sorely missing is the ability to change the default upload directory from the Administration page. Not sure why it was taken out in the first place, fortunately there's still a way to do it without too much trouble. You just need to add the following code in the wp-config.php … [Read more...]