The recommendation now is to use ED25519 whenever you can. Commands Using ED25519 Using RSA -C is optional, if not used then the login and machine name is going to be used instead. Use -b to specify key size. Ways to create SSH keys on macOS On Mac OSX and Linux You just get to Terminal and start typing: You can use either your email address as label or … [Read more...]
Basic Configuration in Git
After installing Git, you may want to do some basic configuration so you can have a proper versioning history and collaborate with others in a shared repository. First thing, you want to do before anything is to set your name and email. You can open Git Bash on Windows or Terminal for macOS. Replacing the First, Last and email address with your own, type the following: This will be … [Read more...]
How to Install Git
This may be a very basic topic, but it turned out to be very useful for people who are just starting to delve into version control software. Just a quick overview from Pro Git book by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub that you can download from the link at the bottom of this post, this would give you a clearer explanation on why you should use it. What is “version control”, and why should you … [Read more...]
How to Deploy Hugo Static Website to IIS Using Git
Continuing the posts on Hugo website tutorial, after all the setup is done, the question now is about static site hosting. The reality is hosting a static website is very easy so you have a lot of flexibility in choosing your hosting and platform. In fact, you can use Github, Bitbucket or Gitlab to host your static website. This post will show you how you can host your static website on IIS … [Read more...]
How to Use Your Favorite Text Editor in Git
After installing Git and initially configuring it, you can further configure it to use your favorite text editor as the default. What you need to do is set the value of core.editor to the program file of your editor and add a flag -w at the end. The -w basically is to tell Git to wait until all operations within the text editor is done before Git can continue to do its thing … [Read more...]